Essas últimas semanas foram bem interessantes aqui no inglês.
Tivemos as nossas COOKING CLASSES, e todos nós nos divertimos muito fazendo as mais deliciosas receitas e aprendendo vocabulário e alguns verbos em inglês. Para os que não sabem, as aulas de culinária são ministradas em inglês.
A seguir vão as três receitas mais que aprovadas pelos meus PUPILS.
1 can of milk´s cream.
1 can of condensed milk
1 pack of strawberry's jelly.
1 box of strawberries.
First of all, you have to put the milk´s cream an the condensed milk in the blender.
Then you have to melt the jelly in the microwave with some water and put in the blender to mix.
Finally you put the mousse in a bowl, cut the strawberries and put on it.
Don´t forget to put in the refrigerator for some hours, after that you can eat.
150g of ham
200g od mozzarella cheese
1 pack of bun.
500ml of milk
1 pack of grated cheese
1 tablespoon of cornstarch
First you have to do the cream with milk, grated cheese, the cornstarch and seasoning. After that you pick up the bread and put on one part of the cream, some ham and some mozzarella cheese. You are going to make layers. At the end you put all the rest of the cream, some mozzarella and put in the oven for 20 minutes.
2 packs of bun
1 mayonnaise jar
1 can of milk´s cream.
1kg of shredded chicken
2 cups of milk
1 pack of tomato sauce
Some french fries
First you put the chicken, the milk, some tomato sauce and seasoning in a pan and heat it. After that you put 2 slices of the bun, than the chicken and the bun again until it ends. Finally you mix the mayonnaise and the milk´s cream and put in all the sandwich. You put the french fries to decorate.
Eu espero que todos tentem as receitas em casa porque ficaram realmente deliciosas. Eu acredito que todos gostaram. No próximo bimestre teremos mais.
Kisses and Hugs
Teacher Alessandra